Terms of Use (The Fine Print)
Greetings! Thank you for visiting Index.Rodeo. If you purchase access to our service or use any of the content on this website you agree to comply with the following terms of use. The term Index Rodeo shall refer to the owners of this website and any others working for the organization. The term You shall refer to anyone visiting this website, purchasing an Index Rodeo pass, or in making use of any content on this website. Please read and enjoy the following terms of use, which Index Rodeo has intentionally drafted with a dearth of legalese!
Use of Content
This website contains material which is owned by Index Rodeo. This material includes, but is not limited to the design, layout, look, appearance, sound, video and graphics. All material contained on this website is the property of Index Rodeo and protected by copyright or trademark, unless stated otherwise. You are encouraged to share all of this content with other people or use it to help promote Index Rodeo. However, please do not steal this content for a use other than spreading the word about Index Rodeo.
Right to Refuse Service (Don’t be a jerk.)
Indexes generated are a function of the source material provided by You. The generated indexes do not reflect the views of Index Rodeo. Index Rodeo can review source material for threats of violence or any uses that do not represent the spirit of this organization. Index Rodeo reserves the right to cancel any order and refund Your money.
Limitation on Liability
In no way will Index Rodeo, its suppliers, or distributors be liable for any legal claim or action arising out of the use of an Index Rodeo product. It is hard to imagine why anyone would sue or be sued for a tool that helps generate a book index, but we live in a crazy world. You should keep with the fun spirit of Index Rodeo and use it as a tool to help save time from the tedious task of creating a book index. If You or Your index readers drag Index Rodeo into any legal dispute, you agree to indemnify and hold harmless Index Rodeo of all claims and expenses, including attorneys’ fees, arising out of Your use of an Index Rodeo product.
Choice of Law and Forum (California dude.)
Any legal dispute arising between You and Index Rodeo will be governed by the laws of California and all claims or actions will be brought in California court.
Privacy Policy (Got Your Back.)
The Privacy Policy explains how Index Rodeo uses and protects any information that You share with Index Rodeo. Index Rodeo collects very limited information and only uses it to provide You with Index Rodeo’s services.
Use of Information
The basic information Index Rodeo collects is used to process Your order and contact You to confirm Your purchase or provide you with information about Index Rodeo. Index Rodeo will not sell, distribute or lease Your personal information to third parties unless You approve or are required by law to do so.
Index Rodeo’s hotshot team has in place procedures to ensure the information You share with Index Rodeo is safeguarded. Our servers only hold copies of your source books temporarily to allow you to complete generating your indexes.
This site uses cookies to keep you logged-in between page loads. Only log in from a trusted computer. Log out when you are done using Index Rodeo.
Changes to Terms of Use and Privacy Policy
Index Rodeo may update these policies at any time, therefore each time you make use of Index Rodeo, please re-read these policies, even if it makes you feel like Bill Murray in the landmark comedy Groundhog Day.